Thursday 22 August 2013

WFB: Becoming a Woman with Dice


Computer games were so addicting that I started getting phone calls at all hours of the night so when we moved I said no more. Little did I know what I would be getting myself into when I agreed to go into that Games Workshop store and buy my first Warhammer army.

Knowing nothing about the game, the hobby or anything about it other than the fact that it was something that both my husband and I could do together and would get us out of the house. My real first army was Sisters of Battle but I don't really count that because I never did more than take them out of the box. My first real army was my Warhammer Fantasy army: Wood Elves.

My selection process for choosing an army was different from any other person I know: I seriously walked in, looked at the various army boxes and said "looks scary", "too mean", "don't like dead things" and decided on Wood Elves for their fluff.

Fluff, for you non-hobbists is the story that goes along with an army. Elves protecting the trees and calling on the trees to fight off an enemy. It had everything I wanted. Or at least that's what I thought at the time.

I played an army comprised mostly of Dryads, Treekin (6 of them was unheard of at the time) and Treemen. I used Eternal Guard for a while and the odd bowmen but also loved using the Sisters on dragon and Orion. I won a few games in the beginning but after a while not so much. They just didn't move fast enough for me and I quickly got frustrated with their flimsiness.

My struggle was that I liked the models, the themes of them and loved them from a hobby aspect. Each unit of Dryads was a different type of wood, though Autumn themed, and I had started with them in a dark color that made them look like shadow but later worked them into more of an autumn brown/red theme as well. Knowing they were not my play style though I struggled to continue playing them and started looking for a new army that met more of my play style.

The Wood Elves were a good start to get me into the hobby and I still catch myself eying the odd model but once I moved on their was no looking back. How did you get started? What was your first army? Do you look back? I'll give you a history of my next and only other army in another post.


  1. Hahaha, don´t think your selection process is much more different from the other persons. I did exactly the same, but I thought the coolest and meanest army of the whole Old World were Hordes of Chaos, and I´ve chosen them =P
    In that time, I even restricted myself about using only mortals, not demons nor beastmen.

    My fellas actually did quite the same, but with differents armies and opinions about them ;)

    1. I am so glad to hear I am not the only one! I swear that all the locals I know (99% make) spend more time researching army tactics than I spend painting!

    2. I am so glad to hear I am not the only one! I swear that all the locals I know (99% make) spend more time researching army tactics than I spend painting!

  2. My first army came out of a short changed 14 year olds wallet; it was 20 years back, I had Battlemasters by Milton Bradley and so I used the Empire models that came with it to make my first (admittedly terrible) army. 20 years on, I ALWAYS choose an army with fluff in mind. Play style is important and I like a good list, but unless the army has a decent background that I can empathise with, it doesn't make it. The unfortunate knock on effect is that I have a few armies which I won't get rid of because I love the fluff so much but don't like playing with them so much (looking at you Tomb Kings, Wood Elves and Blood Angels).
