Friday 30 August 2013

Big Ol' Smile

So if you read the the Bell of Lost Souls website you might have seen my very first article published today.

This is very exciting for me as I have had a long term dream of being a published writer. I have written business papers, letters, proposals and more for a lot of years but never formally published my own writing before. I had not anticipated the thrill of seeing my name attached to the article, of being able to say that my thoughts are out there for the world to read.

Over the next while, I intend to put to good use the photobooth I bought for my husband and improve the pictures I post. There's several monsters and dragons waiting patiently for their turn.


  1. Hey the Bols brought me here and you have been added to the "list" the blogs that i think may be interesting to read, and a female perspective not to mention a wife and mothers perspective has just made your blog stand out.
    I wish you well in your blogging adventure and keep the posts coming.

  2. I second HumiStompa. Its great to read a Canadian blog and hear about other gamers and groups within the country. Having a family of my own I could relate to this article as it is spot on. I have also favourited your blog and am looking forward to reading future posts. Who knows maybe this blog will even help in getting my wife into the hobby.
