Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The Secret is Out

So between crochet projects, tournamnents and daily life I have been working on a secret army...it is slow going. My Brets have been my army for so long I feel like I am cheating or giving up or something. Alas I know it is more because I need something to paint that was not blue and red.

I am doing an Empire army.

Here's my problem: I really do not want cavalry and I really want an Imperial Griffon and Landships.

I have decided to do Landships and a Marienburg army using a whole lot of Forgeworld but I am struggling with settling on a solid army list. A 60 man horde of Halberdiers, 2 landships and what else....

Ring in with your opinions.


  1. I know nothing of land ships but I do have an empire army. 60 seems a little big especially when you can cut it a little and make a detachment out of the rest. Supporting charges and counter charges are great. So is stand and shoot if you want hand gunners. Imperial griffon is an epic model. I use him with mixed success. Greatswords come out clutch for me. Regular swordsman also worth consideration in my book. Parry saves can be life savers.

    1. My original thought was a horde of 60 with 2 detachments of 30.

  2. My my, this army is not playing around. Initial thought is you will need to have BSB in unit for that Ld bonus. If this unit flees problems could be had. It sounds horrifying to fight against.

  3. Our local crowd is pretty competitive so yeah trying b to come up with something resilent. I tried the bret men at arms at 60 & loved it. The only unit that survived. The landships would be used as steamtanks two seems better than one in my opinion :)

  4. Steam tanks are great. Yeah, if you've had success with humans at 60 stick with it. I know nothing about Bretts so I don't know how they stack up but I imagine its similar. And I'm sure you know, so you're good.
